Friday, January 25, 2013

Look! Quick, Before It's Gone

Should you see this post on or before Jan 27, 2013, you'll probably be able to open the page linking to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibiton Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop.

The exhibit's been up since Oct 11, 2012 but we only learned of it's existence a couple weeks ago and didn't think to see if the Met posted every image from the exhibition on their website. What fools we are. The Met is awesome, so of course the entire exhibit is online.

As the title implies, the photos show how manipulating photographs evolved concomitant to the art of photography itself. From touch ups, to double exposures, coloring, and out-and-out trickery, the images show how creative we can be when given a new medium that feels limitless but actually puts quite a few borders around production.

Of course, those borders can be pushed as far as possible and then further still. Here are a few of our favorites:

Le simulateur; Dora Maar (French, Paris 1907–1997 Paris) Date: 1936

Soft Landing; Oliver Wasow (American, born 1960) Date: 1987

And because we try to keep The Typing Monkey safe for work, here are links to Woman in Champagne Glass by Howard S. Redell and Woman Riding Moth (Unknown). [Hint: They're naked! But it's just regular naked, not freak out your co-workers naked.]
Click here to see the gallery set up to 60 images per page, which whittles it down to just four pages. Have fun.