Friday, February 19, 2010

How to Keep the Dead from Rising and Eating the Living

National Geographic has a short piece on a recently discovered manuscript from 1679 A.D. The latin title of that text translates as: On the Chewing Dead. It's a handbook by Philip Rohr on how to prevent vampires/zombies, which seem to be roughly interchangeable based on how they behave in Rohr's text.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Paper Zombies

Our friends at Utne Reader have started a club. The Dead Magazine Club.

It's a Tumblr blog with a wiki-ethic. The goal? To help Utne Reader "gather the hidden histories of the independent press! Or just browse some amazing covers."

The Typing Monkey thinks that's a fine idea. You know what to do.

Friday, February 5, 2010